Senin, 22 April 2019


What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism or plagiarism is an act of plagiarizing other people's ideas, ideas or works which are then recognized as their own works or using the work of others without mentioning the source, giving rise to false or erroneous assumptions about the origin of an idea, idea or work. The term plagiarism comes from English plagiarism or plagiary and in Latin plagiarius which means kidnapper or plagiarist. So plagiarism or plagiarism is the act of stealing (intellectual ideas / works) of another person and claiming or announcing it as his own (Putra, 2011).

Whereas according to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 17 of 2010, plagiarism is a deliberate or unintentional act in obtaining or trying to obtain credit or value for a scientific work, by quoting part or all of the work and / or scientific work of other recognized parties as scientific work, without expressing the source appropriately and adequately.

Following is the definition and understanding of plagiarism from several book sources:
According to Lindsey, plagiarism is the act of copying ideas, ideas or works of others to be recognized as their own work or using the work of others without mentioning the source, giving rise to wrong or wrong assumptions about the origin of an idea, idea or work (Soelistyo, 2011).
According to Suyanto and Jihad (2011), plagiarism is stealing ideas, words, sentences, or results of other people's research and presenting it as if it were his own work.
According to Brotowidjoyo (1993), plagiarism is piracy in the form of facts, unauthorized explanations of phrases and sentences of other people.
According to Ridhatillah (2003), plagiarism is an act of abuse, theft or deprivation, publishing, statement or declaring as one's own a thought, idea, writing, or creation that is actually owned by someone else.

Types of Plagiarism
According to Soelistyo (2011), plagiarism or plagiarism can be classified into several types, forms and types, namely: a. Types of Plagiarism Based on Stolen Aspects
Based on the aspects stolen, plagiarism consists of several types, namely:
Plagiarism of Ideas (Plagiarism of Ideas). This type of plagiarism is relatively difficult to prove because ideas or ideas are abstract and may have similarities with other people's ideas. Or, there is the possibility of two similar ideas happening to two different creators.
Word by word plagiarism (Word for word plagiarism). This type is similar to slavish copy, which is quoting other people's work word by word without mentioning the source. Plagiarism is considered to occur because the scale of quotation is so substantial that all of the writing ideas or ideas are completely taken. Plagiarism like this is mostly done in writing.
Plagiarism of Source. This type of plagiarism has a fatal error because it does not specify in full the reference referred to in the quote. If the source of the quote refers to someone as the author associated with the quote, then the name of the author must be called. This is certainly a fair attitude and does not harm the interests of the author and other contributors.
Plagiarism of Authorship. Write papers written by other people. This action occurs on the basis of awareness and intentional motives to deceive the public. For example, changing the cover of a book or cover of someone else's work by covering it in his name without permission.

b. Types of Plagiarism Based on Intentionality
Based on intentional factors, plagiarism is divided into two types, namely:
Intentional Plagiarism. Intentional plagiarism is a plagiarist who consciously acts by using, borrowing, plagiarizing other people's work in the form of ideas, ideas, sentences, and theories without including reference sources.
Accidental Plagiarism. Accidental plagiarism is a plagiarism committed by someone because of an accident, namely the lack of knowledge and understanding of the person in quoting.

c. Types of Plagiarism Based on Hijacked Proportions
Based on the proportion or number of percentages plowed, plagiarism is divided into several types, namely:
Mild plagiarism. Mild plagiarism when in a scientific paper made by someone less than 30%.
Medium Plagiarism. Medium plagiarism has a percentage of 30% -70% in a written work.
Total Plagiarism. Total plagiarism means that more than 70% of the contents of scientific papers are plagiarism from the work of others. This plagiarism cannot be sterilized and the work must be revised or not recognized. d. Types of Plagiarism Based on Patterns
Based on hijacked patterns, plagiarism consists of several types, namely:
Total plagiarism. That is a plagiarism action by an author by copying or stealing the work of another person entirely and claiming to be his work. Usually, in this plagiarism a writer only changes the original author's name and agency name with his own name and institution. Then, the author changes the title of the article traced slightly, then also changes the abstract, certain key words (keywords), article subtitles, certain words and sentences in the writing section and conclusions with certain words or sentences to look different from the original article .
Partial plagiarism. That is a plagiarism action done by someone by means of copying some of the work of others to be the result of his own work. own. Usually, in this type of plagiarism a writer takes a statement, theoretical basis, sample, method of analysis, discussion and / or certain conclusions from the work of another person into his work without mentioning the original source.
Auto-plagiarism (self-plagiarism). That is the plagiarism done by an author on his own work, both partially and completely. For example, when writing a scientific article a writer copies past certain parts of his work in a book that has been published without mentioning the source.
Plagiarism between languages. Namely the plagiarism done by an author by translating a foreign language paper into Indonesian. Then, the author makes the translation results as a result of his work without mentioning the source.

e. Types of Plagiarism Based on Presentation
Based on the way it is presented, plagiarism consists of several types, namely:
Verbatim Plagiarism. Verbatim plagiarism is an act of plagiarism by plagiarizing the work of others as they are and giving the impression that the work is the work of his own creation.
Patchwork Plagiarism. Plagiarism Patchwork or better known as patchwork is an act of plagiarism by taking the work of another person from various sources without mentioning the reference and arranging it into one whole unit, so that it is impressed as his own work.
Paraphrase Plagiarism. Paraphrase plagiarism is a plagiarism action by changing the sentence from the original writer with his own sentence and does not include references or quotes.
Keyword Plagiarism or Key Phrases. Keyword plagiarism or key phrases are acts of plagiarism by taking a number of keywords from the original author and paraphrasing them in their own words.
Plagiarism Structure Ideas. Plagiarism of the structure of ideas is an act of plagiarism by taking the structure of the ideas of others, then poured again to look different. Identification of Plagiarism
According to Novanta (2009), there are several factors that can be used in identifying plagiarism, namely:
Use of vocabulary. Analyzing the vocabulary used in a task against the use of the previous vocabulary can help determine whether students actually have written the text. By finding a large number of new vocabulary (especially advanced vocabulary) can determine whether students write text without doing plagiarism.
Change of vocabulary. If the use of vocabulary changes significantly in a text, this can indicate plagiarism by copy and paste.
Confusing text. If the flow of a text is not smooth and inconsistent, this indicates the author does not write using his own thoughts or some parts of his writing are not the result of his work.
Use of punctuation. It is not natural for two writers to use the exact same punctuation in making a paper.
Number of text similarities. There must be some similarities between several texts that write with the same topic as names, terms and so on. However, it is not natural for several different texts to have similar or similar text in large numbers. Same spelling error. It is a common thing for a writer to make a paper. It becomes unnatural if several different texts have the same errors in spelling or the same number of incorrect spellings.
Distribution of words. It is not natural if the distribution of the use of different words in text has something in common. For example, a text has the same parameters for a statistical distribution used to explain the use of terms.
Syntactic text structure. This shows that plagiarism might have happened if the two texts clearly have similar syntactic structures. It is natural that the use of syntactic structures used by some authors will be different.
Long series of the same word. It is not natural for a different text (even one that uses the same title) to have the same set of characters.
Order of similarity between texts. This can indicate plagiarism if the order of matching words or phrases between two texts is the same. Although taught to present facts in a rule (for example introduction, content, then conclusion), it is not natural if the same facts are reported in the same order.
Dependence on certain words or phrases. A writer might choose to use a certain word or phrase. Consistency in the use of these words in a text written by other people using different words can indicate plagiarism.
Word frequency. It is not natural for words from two different texts to be used with the same frequency.
The decision to use long sentences or short sentences. Without our knowledge, writers certainly have a decision to use lengthy unusual sentences combined with other features.
Readable text. The use of metrics / measurements such as the FOG Gunning index, Flesch Reading Ease Formula or SMOG can help determine an ability score. It is not natural for different writers to have the same score.
Unclear references. If references appear in a text but are not found in the bibliography, this can indicate plagiarism of cut and paste, where the author does not copy the reference completely.

Senin, 15 April 2019

Sejarah Public Speaking

Sebelum ada istilah Public Speaking, maka lahirlah istilah Retorika, sebelum masehi-SM di Yunani, yang artinya “keakhlian berbicara atau berpidato” Dalam perkembangan retorika mengenal tiga bentuk yaitu:
  1. Demi penemuan kebenaran (Socrates, disebut Bapak Retorika)
  2. Demi kekuasaan ataupun kemenangan saja (sesuai dengan filsafat Sophisme)
  3. Sebagai alat persuasi yang banyak menggunakan penemuan-penemuan terakhir bidang ilmu Jiwa dan karenanya mulai menggunakan nama “Scientific rhetoric”

Retorika bertitik tolak pada pemikiran, bahwa manusia dapat menggunakan perasaan atau pendapat yang umumnya benar. Dilihat dari sejarah, manusia mempunyai hasrat dan kebutuhan untuk menyampaikan segala perasaan, pengalaman dan pendapat-pendapatnya kepada sebanyak mungkin orang disamping menceritakan kepada orang tertentu. Dalam penyebaran agama pada abad ke 5, ke Mesir, Babylonia dan Persia, yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai bakat retorika, karena tanpa bakat berbicara pada waktu itu, maka pesan yang akan disampaikan belum tentu dapat diterima dan dimengerti. Sekarang peranan media massa yang membantu penyampaian pesan kepada pendengar, penonton dan pembaca. Kita kenal aliran Sophisme, yang berpendapat, manusia ialah “mahluk yang berpengetahuan dan kemauan” dan masing-masing manusia mempunyai penilaian sendiri mengenai baik buruknya sesuatu, mempunyai nilai-nilai etika sendiri, maka kebenaran suatu pendapat hanya dapat dicapai dengan memenangkan pendapatnya. Hal ini bisa tercapai kalau memiliki keahlian berbicara. Jadi aliran ini mengemukakan kebenaran suatu pendapat hanya dapat dibuktikan bila mencapai kemenangan dalam pembicaraan penganut aliran retorika Sokrates (469-399) dan Georgias, retorika digunakan demi kebenaran, melalui dialog dengan teknik ini kebenaran akan timbul dengan sendirinya

Plato sebagai seorang pendidik, mengatakan retorika penting sebagai:
  • Metode pendidikan
  • Alat untuk mencapai kedudukan dalam pemerintahan
  • Alat mempengaruhi rakyat

Aristoteles (384-322) mengajarkan dalam retorika orang harus mengatakan dengan:

  • Jelas
  • Singkat dan
  • Meyakinkan.

Pada waktu itu, bagaimana meyakinkan pengadilan, sehubungan dengan pengembalian tanah, milik rakyat yang diambil oleh para Tirani yang berkuasa ketika itu. Kalau tidak mampu untuk menyatakan secara jelas dan lancar, anda termasuk orang gagal mempertahankan milik anda, karena dahulu belum ada “pengacara” yang membantu, mempertahankan milik anda didepan pengadilan. Para ahli menganggap retorika kalau dilihat dari tinjauan komunikasi maka disebut “speech of communication” atau “public speaking” Para ahli menganjurkan pentingnya mempelajari “public speaking”, apalagi anda berada yang bergerak dibidang usaha, serta kehidupan sosial lainnya, bahkan kemampuan anda yang mempelajari dan mengetahui public speaking dapat bertindak pada waktu tertentu untuk memutuskan sesuatu dengan segera dan dapat diterima. Setiap kesempatan secara bertahap bahkan seumur hidup dipergunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara didepan khalayak Istilah public speaking berawal dari para ahli retorika, yang mengartikan sama ialah seni (keahlian) berbicara atau berpidato yang sudah berkembang sejak abad sebelum Masehi.

Mengapa kita berpikir negatif menggunakan kata “retorika”? Seperti yang diungkapkan Jalaluddin Rakhmat dalam bukunya “Retorika Modern” (cetakan keenam, tahun 2000), bahwa kemajuan Negara barat bukan bertumpu pada pengetahuan matematika, fisika atau kimia. Kalau mendalam lagi keingintahuan kita tentang mengapa mereka memiliki kemampuan luar biasa dalam ilmu-ilmu alam, bukan saja mengenai apa yang mereka pikirkan, tetapi bagaimana kemampuan mereka menyajikannya dengan ucapan yang jelas sehingga hasil presentasinya dapat dipahami khalayak. 

Berabad-abad lalu mereka berpijak pada budaya yang mementingkan pendidikan bahasa, yang berakar pada filsafat yunani dan yang bertumpu pada retorika. Kemudian, ada anggapan negatif menggunakan kata retorika, kita sedang berhadapan dengan seni propaganda, menggunakan kata-kata yang indah dan bagus yang disangsikan kebenarannya. Pengertian sebenarnya “retorika” yakni pemekaran bakat-bakat tertinggi manusia, yaknirasio dan cita rasa lewat bahasa sebagai kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam media pikiran. Dalam retorika, para pemimpin dapat menaklukkan hati dan jiwa, atau kemampuan mengotak atik otak, sehingga keputusannya dapt diterima oleh karyawan atau audiens. Pada abad ke-20, retorika mengambil manfaat dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern, khususnya ilmu-ilmu perilaku seperti psikologi dan sosiologi. Istolah retorika mulai digeser speech communication, atau oral communication atau lebih dikenal dengan public speaking.

2. Pengertian Public Speaking

Secara sederhana, public speaking dapat didefinisikan sebagai proses berbicara kepada sekelompok orang dengan tujuan untuk memberi informasi, mempengaruhi (mempersuasi) dan/atau menghibur audiens. Banyak orang menyebut public speaking sebagai “presentasi”. Seperti layaknya semua bentuk komunikasi, berbicara di depan publik memiliki beberapa elemen dasar yang paralel dengan model komunikasi yang dikemukakan oleh Laswell yakni komunikator (pembicara), pesan (isi presentasi), komunikan (pendengar/ audiens), medium, dan efek (dampak presentasi pada audiens). Tujuan berbicara di depan publik bermacam-macam, mulai dari mentransmisikan informasi, memotivasi orang, atau hanya sekedar bercerita. Apapun tujuannya, seorang pembicara yang baik dapat mempengaruhi baik pemikiran maupun perasaan audiensnya. Dewasa ini, public speaking sangat diperlukan dalam berbagai konteks, antara lain dalam kepemimpinan, sebagai motivator, dalam konteks keagamaan, pendidikan, bisnis,customer service, sampai komunikasi massa seperti berbicara di televisi atau untuk pendengar radio.

3. Perkembangan Public Speaking

Retorika adalah seni sekaligus ilmu yang mempelajari penggunaan bahasa dengan tujuan menghasilkan efek persuasif. Selain logika dan tata bahasa, retorika adalah ilmu wacana yang tertua yang dimulai sejak zaman Yunani kuno. Hingga saat ini, retorika adalah bagian sentral dalam pendidikan di dunia Barat. Kemampuan dan keahlian untuk berbicara di depan audiens publik dan untuk mempersuasi audiens untuk melakukan sesuatu melalui seni berbicara adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari pelatihan seorang intelektual (Johnstone, 1995). Retorika sebagai cabang ilmu berkaitan erat dengan penggunaan simbol-simbol dalam interaksi antar manusia.

Dalam sistematisasi retorika Aristoteles, aspek terpenting dalam teori dan dasar pemikiran retorika adalah tiga jenis pendekatan untuk mempersuasi audiens, yakni logos, pathos dan ethos. Logos adalah strategi untuk meyakinkan audiens dengan menggunakan wacana yang mengedepankan pengetahuan dan rasionalitas (reasoned discourse), sementara pathos adalah pendekatan yang mengutamakan emosi atau menyentuh perasaan audiens dan ethos adalah pendekatan moral—menggunakan nilai-nilai yang berkaitan dengan keyakinan audiens. Di abad ke-20, retorika berkembang menjadi sebuah cabang ilmu pengetahuan dengan berkembangnya pengajaran tentang komunikasi publik dan retorika di sekolah-sekolah menengah dan universitas-universitas pertama di Eropa dan kemudian meluas hingga kawasan-kawasan lain di dunia. Harvard, sebagai universitas pertama di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, telah lama memiliki kurikulum mata kuliah dasar sebagai Retorika sebagai salah satu mata kuliahnya (Borchers, 2006). Dengan berkembangnya ilmu komunikasi, pembelajaran retorika lebih meluas lagi. Saat ini, retorika dipelajari dalam ruang lingkup yang luas dalam bidang pemasaran, politik, komunikasi, bahkan bahasa (linguistik). Propaganda menjadi fenomena retorika yang sangat menarik. Ketika orang berlomba-lomba mendesain kata-kata untuk mempengaruhi orang lain, itu membuktikan bahwa seni merangkai pesan sangat berpengaruh dalam berkomunikasi.

Tokoh-tokoh retorika mutakhir:
  1. James A. Winans dalam bukunya “public speaking”( 1917) menggunakan spikologi dari Williams James dan E.B Tichener. Sesuai teori James bahwa tindakan ditentukan perhatian, Winans mendefinisikan persuasi sebagai “proses menumbuhkan perhatian. Pentingnya membangkitkan emosi melalui motif- motif psikologi seperti kepentingan pribadi, kewajiban sosial dan kewajiban agama. Winans adalah pendiri Speech Communication Association of America (1950).
  2. Charles Henry Woolbert yang juga pendiri Speech Communication Association of America. Psikologi yang memengaruhinya adalah behaviorisme dari John B.Watson. Woolbert memandang Speech Communication sebagai ilmu tingkah laku. Pidato merupakan ungkapan kepribadian. Logika adalah dasar utama persuasi. Dalam menyusun persiapan pidato harus diperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: (1) Teliti tujuannya, (2) Ketahui khalayak dan situasinya, (3) Tentukan proposisi yang cocok dengan khalayak dan situasi tersebut, (4) Pilih kalimat-kalimat yang dipertalikan secara logis. Bukunya, The Fundamental of Speech.
  3. William Noorwood Brigance. Berbeda dengan Woolbert yang menitikberatkan logika, Brigance menekankan faktor keinginan (desire) sebagai dasar persuasi. Persuasi meliputi empat unsur: 1) Rebut perhatian pendengar, 2) Usahakan pendengar untuk mempercayai kemampuan dan karakter anda, 3) Dasarkanlah pemikiran pada keinginan, dan 4) Kembangkan setiap gagasan sesuai dengan sikap pendengar.
  4. Alan H.Monroe dalam bukunya, Principles and Types of Speech. Pertengahan tahun 20-an Monroe bersama stafnya meneliti proses motivasi. Jasa, Monroe, cara organisasi pesan. Menurut Monroe pesan harus disusun berdasarkan proses berpikir manusia yang disebutnya motivated sequence.

4. Public Speaking sebagai Tool Komunikasi

Mengapa public speaking dianggap sebagai sarana komunikasi? Dalam sarana komunikasi atau sebuah wadah bergulirnya percakapan yang memerlukan umpan balik. Siapa saja yang terlihat atau berada dalam wadah itu? Dalam dunia komunikasi terdiri dari komunikator, pesan dan komunikan. Semua ini akan berfungsi melalui channel atau saluran yang disebut media. Nah, dimana keberadaan “Public Speaking”. Kehadirannya dalam kegiatan komunikasi yang berperan adalah komunikator atau public-speaker. Dalam pelajaran ini, pengetahuan yang akan menjadikan seseorang atau komunikator sebagai pembawa pesan, mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyajikan sebuah gagasan kepada audiens. Dengan demikian, komunikator mengungkapkan ide dan dengan kemauan yang tepat, cepat dan taktis.

Menurut Herbert V. Prochnow mengembangkan kemampuan secara bertahap belajar seumur hidup, tahun demi tahun dan makin lama makin berbobot. Hal ini dapat bersamaan bagaimana memiliki kepercayaan pada diri sendiri. Kegiatan lain yang dapat mendukung kemampuan public speaking, apabila aktif melakukan berbagai kegiatan seperti dalam dunia usaha dan kehidupan sosial lainnya. Dalam dunia usaha ada peluang selalu menghadapi saat-saat terjadinya tuntunan knsumen terhadap hasil produksi, bahkan kerja lembaga atau organisasi selalu mendapatkan sorotan masyarakat. Di sinilah peranan seorang petugas PR untuk menjelaskan apakah melalui selebaran atau news release atau pertemuan-pertemuan dengan wartawan media. Sebagai komunikator melalui media mengungkapkan pikiran, ide dan pendapat pada seluruh pendengar. Pada kesempatan memberikan saran, mengeririk, memberikan suara mewakili organisasinya serta memberikan keputusan, maka teknik “public speaking” sama pentingnya dengan kemampuan berdialog dengan individu-individu secara efektif.

Tapi ada yang beranggapan mempelajari public speaking membuang-buang waktu saja. Karena setiap hari kegiatan kita dilengkapi dengan berbicara. Mungkin pengertian salah itu bersumber pada perkiraan bahwa Anda diharapkan melakukan pidato-pidato resmi atau karena membayangkan pidato para tokoh politik yang terkenal. Orang-orang dilingkungan pergaulan dan usaha Anda banyak mengemukakan ide yang biasa Anda lakukan juga, dalam rapat, konperensi ataupun percakapan setiap hari Ucapan-ucapan mereka yang benar, bukanlah gambaran “public speaking”, tetapi merupakan suatu pengecualian, dari seni berbicara. Banyak orang berpidato, mengesankan di hati. Memang kualitas orang berbeda berbicara dengan baik dan efektif. Pasti Anda pernah berbicara dengan baik dan efektif dalam pembicaraan pribadi, surat ataupun memorandum. Tak ada alasan mengapa Anda tidak dapat melakukan di depan umum. Masalahnya penguasaan teknik yang masih harus Anda pelajari dan kuasai. Kalau berbicara dengan kaku dan memalukan, maka kesempatan untuk mencapai apa yang diharapkan dalam usaha, seni dan pergaulan akan berkurang. Tidak ada bedanya percakapan dengan beberapa orang dengan percakapan di depan umum. Hanya suaralah yang diperkeras dan diperjelas. Dalam percakapan antara teman, kita menjawab pertanyaan mereka, bertanya sesuatu atau menanggapi pendapat mereka. Di depan umum, kiat menggantikkan dengan penampilan sikap kita secara umum, raut wajah kita, anggukan atau gelengan kepala, sebagai tanda perhatian kita pada tanggapan para pendengar. Public Speaking merupakan percakapan biasa yang diperluas daya cakupannya.

Menurut Asosiasi Sekolah Tinggi dan Universitas Amerika, ada satu set inti keterampilan yang diperlukan " keduanya untuk keterlibatan demokrasi global dan untuk penemuan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dinamis” ( Rhodes , 2010 , hal. 10 ) . Dalam kategori " keterampilan Intelektual dan praktis " berbicara di depan umum terdaftar sebagai salah satu keterampilan inti ini . Hal ini tidak terlalu mengherankan mengingat bahwa keterampilan komunikasi sangat penting untuk pengembangan intelektual, lintasan karir, dan keterlibatan masyarakat. Berbicara di depan umum secara universal berlaku untuk semua jenis jurusan dan pekerjaan dan dipandang oleh pengusaha AS sebagai keterampilan kerja penting bagi pencari kerja ( Rockler - Gladen , 2009; Departemen Tenaga Kerja AS, 2000 ). Mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara akan bermanfaat bagi kehidupan pribadi, profesional, dan masyarakat Anda .

Orang tidak hanya memberikan presentasi di tempat kerja dan di kelas. Pada saat kita dipanggil untuk memberikan pidato dalam kehidupan pribadi kita. Mungkin untuk acara khusus, seperti bersulang di pesta pernikahan. Kita mungkin akan diminta untuk memberikan pidato di pemakaman untuk seorang teman atau orang yang dicintai. Sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan sukarela, seseorang mungkin harus memperkenalkan pembicara tamu di sebuah acara atau sekarang atau menerima penghargaan karena layanan. Mengembangkan keterampilan untuk memberikan jenis pidato dapat membantu kita untuk memenuhi peran penting dalam keluarga dan masyarakat kita. Keuntungan besar lain berbicara di depan umum adalah bahwa hal itu membangun kepercayaan diri. Tidaklah mengherankan bahwa berbicara di depan umum adalah menakutkan, tapi dengan terlibat dalam aktivitas tersebut anda akan membangun kepercayaan diri melalui pengalaman.

Penyiar TV, guru, pengacara, dan penghibur harus mampu berbicara dengan baik, tetapi sebagian besar profesi lain membutuhkan atau setidaknya bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari keahliannya berbicara di depan umum. Hal ini diyakini 70 % dari pekerjaan saat ini melibatkan beberapa bentuk public speaking (Aras, 2012). Dengan pergeseran ekonomi baru-baru dari manufaktur ke layanan karir, kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain telah menjadi penting. Para CEO menyarankan bahwa pemimpin besar harus mampu mengkomunikasikan gagasan secara efektif, mereka harus mampu membujuk, membangun dukungan, bernegosiasi dan berbicara secara efektif di depan umum ( Farrell, 2011). Tapi bahkan sebelum anda memulai karir, anda harus mendapatkan pekerjaan. Keterampilan berbicara yang efektif membuat anda lebih menarik bagi pengusaha , meningkatkan kesempatan anda mendapatkan pekerjaan dan kemudian maju dalam karir anda .

Belajar tentang berbicara di depan umum akan memungkinkan anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam demokrasi pada tingkat yang paling dasar. Berbicara di depan umum adalah penting dalam menciptakan dan mempertahankan sebuah masyarakat, yang meliputi informasi, peserta aktif. Bahkan jika anda tidak berencana untuk bekerjar, belajar tentang berbicara di depan umum membantu anda untuk mendengarkan dengan lebih cermat dan kritis mengevaluasi pidato lain. Mendengarkan dan berpikir kritis memungkinkan Anda untuk memahami dilema umum, membentuk opini tentang mereka, dan berpartisipasi dalam menyelesaikannya. Kemajuan abad lalu yang melibatkan gerakan-gerakan, hak-hak perempuan dan perlindungan lingkungan adalah hasil dari orang-orang yang memajukan ide-ide baru dan berbicara kepada orang lain untuk membujuk mereka untuk mengadopsi perubahan .

Mengacu pada pendapat De Vito (1994), ada beberapa keuntungan yang dapat diraih seseorang karena mempelajari Public Speaking. Diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Dapat meningkatkan keahlian dalam bidang akademik dan karir. Termasuk di dalamnya membantu:
  • Menerangkan konsep-konsep yang kompleks dengan jelas
  • Menenliti berbagai persoalanyang luas
  • Mendukung argumen dengan semua persuasi yang berarti
  • Memahami motivasi manusia dan mampu menggunakan pandangannya dengan persuasi
  • Menghadirkan diri kepada orang lain dengan penuh kepercayaan dan keyakinan diri

2. Memperbaiki kemampuan komunikasi secara umum. Public Speaking akan mengembangkan dan memperbaiki kemampuan komunikasi seseorang secara umum, seperti:
  • Mengembangkan gaya komunikasi yang lebih efektif
  • Meningkatkan konsep diri dan harga diri
  • Menyesuaikan pesan untuk pendengar yang spesifik
  • Menemukan dan menanggapi umpan balik
  • Mengembangkan daya tarik logika dan emosional
  • Mengembangkan dan mengkomunikasikan kecerdasan seseorang
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan untuk menyampaikan kritik yang membangun
  • Memperbaiki ketrampilan mendengarkan
  • Mengorganisasikan penyampaian pesan dengan jelas dan meyakinkan

3. Meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan public. Pembicara bukan dilahirkan, mereka diciptakan. Seseorang dapat menjadi seorang pembicara melalui instruksi, membuka dengan pembicaraan yang berbeda dan pengalaman yang dipelajari sendiri sehingga menjadi lebih mampu, percaya diri dan menjadi pembicara yang efektif, serta memiliki kemampuan dalam mengkritik.

Daftar Pustaka
  1. De Vito, Joseph A. (1994), The Public Speaking Guide. New York: Harper College.
  2. Helena Olli, Public speaking , PT Indeks, Jakarta, 2007
  3. Prochnow, Herbert V (1987), Penuntun menuju sukses dam berpidato, Bandung, CV Pionir

Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

The Tour Agency of Lion Air

Lion Air Airlines

Lion Air - Lion Air is the name of a low-cost airline originating from Indonesia. The airline serves both domestic and international flights. Lion Air is the first airline in Indonesia to use the Boeing 737-900ER fleet with a number of quite a lot. The airline fleet is used for both domestic and international flights (Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh).

Data Code
Callsign: LION INTER
History of Lion Air

The long journey that has been taken Lion Air started from a small domestic flight. After 13 years of experience in the tourist business marked by the success of Lion Tours travel agency, the Kusnan and Rusdi Kirana brothers are determined to make their dream of owning a flight business a reality. Equipped with high ambitions and an initial capital of 10 million US dollars, Lion Air was legally established in October 1999. But the new operation began on June 30, 2000, using a Boeing 737-200 aircraft. Currently, Rusdi Kirana as one of the owners of Lion Air holds the position of President and Director.

Until mid-2005, along with other international flights, Lion Air occupies Terminal 2F Soekarno-Hatta Airport; While local or domestic flight companies occupy Terminal One. These factors, in addition to being able to provide passengers the convenience of connecting flights to Indonesia or from Indonesia to other international destinations, also provide more benefits in terms of prestige. But then Lion Air was transferred to Terminal 1A and flights to Sumatera Island, Batam, Pangkalpinang and Palangkaraya were operated at terminal 1B (starting October 11, 2010) to date. While all Lion Air international flights are served from the 2E terminal.

In 2005, Lion Air has 24 aircraft consisting of 19 McDonnell Douglas MD-82 series and 5 DHC-8-301 aircraft. To meet low cost services, Lion Air's fleet is dominated by MD-80 due to its efficiency and convenience. In an effort to rejuvenate its fleet, Lion Air has ordered 178 Boeing 737-900ERs that will be delivered gradually from 2007 to 2014. Lion Air plans to compete with both Garuda Indonesia and Saudi Arabian Airlines to fly Umroh and even pilgrim routes with Boeing 747-400. 2 (two) Boeing 747-400 aircraft already entered in its fleet. []

Similarly Information about Lion Air Airlines, hopefully this information is useful for visitors of this blog, and remember if you do not understand about this Lion Air Airline Information you can contact the travel agent, ticket agent or call center lion air.

Quick facts
1. You can find the cheapest tickets Lion Air.
2. You can e-ticket.
3. Check-in 45 minutes before departure time.
4. Departure and arrival of domestic Lion Air at Terminal 1A Jakarta International Airport Soekarno-Hatta.
5. Baggage Economy class 25kg and 7kg cabin baggage.

Booking Lion Air tickets
Lion Air offers online booking, the process of online ticket booking is very easy and just minutes away. You can book tickets by phone by calling Lion Air's call center.

How to Become a Lion Air Airline Agent
To be a Lion Air airline ticket agent, here we are

Improving the process based on the experience we have had from being a sub-agent to becoming Lion Air's official agent.
Prior to becoming a Lion Air Airline Agent officially, we were previously a sub-agent of several major travel agencies who had previously been Lion Air airline ticket agents. The requirements that must be met to become a lion airship ticket agent are as follows;


Register Agent in Agent Portal.
Submit a letter of application to the Lion Air Representative Office.
Own Computer Equipment and Internet Network.
Attach a photocopy of company documents, among others:
Photocopy of Travel Agent Travel Agent / General Travel Bureau of the Director General of Tourism.
Photocopy of Trading Business License (SIUP)
Photocopy of Company Registration Certificate (TDP)
Photocopy of Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
Copy of Company Domicile Permit.
Copy of identity / ID card of one of the person in charge of the company.
Photocopy of Company Establishment Deed
Office Ownership Status:
Own Own: Attach a copy of the last UN (Name in UN must be same as Company Name or Company Name)
Rent: Attach a copy of the Lease Rental Agreement.
Latest photo interior and exterior company.
Map or map plan.
The organizational structure of the company.
Willing to install Neon Box in front of the office with Lion Air (Picture will be provided by Lion Air).
Having an Account and Internet Banking facility at one of the banks in cooperation with Lion Air namely BII, BCA, Mandiri, BNI
Any application letter of application to the Office of Lion Air must be made Receipt.
Approval of agency will be given no later than 2 (two) weeks after all documents received by Lion Air (Receipt of Receipt from Lion Air Office must be requested that mention Date Received).
Lion Air does not charge any fees in the agency process.
If within 2 weeks of agency application has not been approved, Agent can be questioned by email: (In Email must mention Name of Travel Agent, Address / City and Phone Number)

After all the process is executed then the next process is the survey by the local Lion Air Management, if they think your submission can be accepted then you will get an official ID as Lion Air Ticket Agent, if not then you can resubmit at a later time by fulfilling Requirements.
If you are currently in the early stage or just starting a business there is a good idea you choose an instant way to be a lion air plane ticket agent that is by becoming our sub agents by registering at then not more than 1 hour You can already become a sub agent of airplane ticket sales.
It all depends on you, who wants to be an instant or take care of itself formally through the local Lion Air in your area, equally well.

we forget the photograph with the agents
sorry if have lack of this

Location: Jalan Raya Dramaga - Bogor No. 15, Pabaton, Bogor Tengah. Taman Topi

Name: -Revin Ravenza (16616230)
            -Farhan Aulia Wijaya (12616643)

Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

About Tourism

All about Tourism

Tourism ( /ˈto͝orËŒizÉ™m/ ) noun

Many kind and type of Tourism

1. Geographical type

·        Local Tourism (Domestic Tourism)

Domestic tourism is a type of tourism involving  people that travels his/her own territory
Example : he live in depok and he is travelling around depok city now

·        Regional Tourism
tourism region is a geographical region that has been designated by a governmental organization or tourism bureau as having common cultural or environmental characteristics.

Example : traveling from depok city (west java region) to the yogyakarta city (central java region)

·        International Tourism
An International Tourism that visit  the whole world.

Example : visit Indonesia then travels to England

2. Goals

·        Business Tourism
 A tourism that the people come for a business purpose

Example : A come to the B country to talk about business

·        Educational Tourism
A type of tourism that visited to a certain place for studying about a place that they visited

Example : study tour to Cirebon

·        Vacational Tourism
A type of tourism that the visitor come for a good vacation, refreshing and get relax
Example : visiting bali for a good vacation

3. Object

·       Cultural Tourism

Cultural Tourism (or culture tourism) is the subset oftourism concerned with a country or region's culture, specifically the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas
Example : visiting mosque of uqba

·        Recuperational Tourism

Recuperational tourism is a tourism for medical purpose

Example : visit cianjur for searching herbal medicine

·        Commercial Tourism

The activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment

Example : Asian games

·        Religion Tourism

Religion tourism is a kind of tourism that for a religious purpose

Example : Hajj pilgrimage in mecca

4. Time 
- Seasonal Tourism  :

The visitor holiday at the specific time.

Example : Summer vacation In Miami

-Occasion Tourism  :

visitors come at the moment of a certain event .

Example : Visiting  Barcelona to watch el classico

5. Group / Individual 

- Individual Tourism   :
when one person travels alone or with family and a friend

example: I travel to malang alone

-Group Tourism :

when a group of community travels together

example : a group of English literature student travel to bogor

6. Transportation :

- Land Tourism :

travelling using land vehicle such as  bus,car,motorcycle.

- Sea/ River Tourism :

Travelling using a water vehicle such as a boat, yacht, or even a ship 

- Air Tourism :

travelling using an air vehicle such as Plane and helicopter,  


- Youth Tourism :
a type of tourism held by some of youngster community, usually stays at low budget hotels or youth hostel

- Adult Tourism :

a type of tourism held by some of adult community

8. Sex/Gender
- Feminime Tourism

a tourism that only involve women

example : touring to find some fashion, beauty etc

 - Masculline Tourism
A tourism that only involve a men

Example : bike touring to bali

9. Price and Social Level
·        Deluxe Tourism
A type of tourism that is very luxurious trip

Example: stay at 5 stars hotel with its luxurious services

·        Middle Class Tourism
A type of tourism that uses a standard facility, including a standard price for hotel and transportation.

Example : travelling bandung using a car
·        Social Tourism
   A type of tourism that involves a group of people having not much of money travelling with whatever they can that is not so expensive. Example Travelling around Jakarta using a train.

Jumat, 18 November 2016

Museum Zoology Bogor

Museum Of Zoology Bogor

For lovers of the museum, when he was in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, visited the Museum of Zoology certainly should not just be missed. Zoology Museum located at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no. 09 Bogor. For visitors who are in the middle of the Botanical Gardens, can achieve this mueum from the Main Gate.
The museum was built in 1894 under the name Landbouw Zoologisch Laboratory and headed by Dr. J.C. Koningsberger an expert renowned Botanic that time. Four years later changed its name to Zoologisch Landbouw Museum. Further, the name of the museum alternated from time to time. And finally, since 1987 bergantilah into Research and Development Institute of Zoology or so-called Museum of Zoology.

There are about 2,000 species of animals are put on about 75 boxes and 60 vitrine (cabinets). Incidentally at that time myself intend to go to the location of the museum after a walk in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. So before going home, me a time to stop by to see the contents of the museum. From Lady Raffless Memorial myself walking towards the north through several buildings such as the Garden Shop, Treub Laboratory and the Center for Conservation. Until the meeting came at a fork in the road user. The clue leads to the Museum of Zoology. And on additional writing again, that is FREE. So to enter the museum visitors do not charge at all. Following the instructions of the road, came to me to the location of the Museum of Zoology.

Today it seems many visitors stepped into the museum. Children, teenagers, parents seem keen to enter the museum from the rear of the main door. Myself joining them along it. An open hallway, directly brings visitors face to face with the entrance.

Today it seems many visitors stepped into the museum. Children, teenagers, parents seem keen to enter the museum from the rear of the main door. Myself joining them along it. An open hallway, directly brings visitors face to face with the entrance.

Birds Space I
From that location myself straight to the room on the left called Birds Space I. In space, the display of various birds which have been preserved, among others: the eagle, Bido, falcons, partridges, kuwau, quail, pigeon, birds paddy , maleo, swallows, shorebirds, parrots, woodpeckers, starlings, birds, honey, etc.

Birds Space II Following from Birds Space I myself moved to the previous room Birds Space II. In addition there is a skeleton three animals above (tapir, dwarf buffalo and tiger), in that space also display various birds are preserved. The most exciting of course birds of paradise with a fluffy tail. In addition there are still some birds are also preserved and placed in glass cabinets. Among others: cassowary, Mambruk, kaka old, finches, etc.

space Mammals Bird II revolves around the room clockwise, arrived at the door of room Mammals. Myself go inside to view the existing collection. Just above the entrance, there is a head that has preserved some of the animals such as elephants, rhinos, deer, etc.

In this room that became icons are preserved Large Rhino.

There is also a collection of various monkeys that have been preserved as proboscis monkeys, orangutans urang, rase, etc. Various rodents and squirrels, bats, did not escape go on display.


While on the other side there is a collection of tigers, deer, cats, bears, deer, leopards, etc. preserved and stored in a glass cabinet.

Reptile and Amphibian space Switching to the front room, is a room Reptile and Amphibian. Snakes, frogs and turtles with various types exist here. collection is stored in a glass cabinet that meets the circumference and the central part of the space.

In addition, a giant fish on display attached to the roof.

On one wall appeared a giant crab legs split the middle.


Space Whale skeleton Move to the next room (the east), myself met new whale skeleton. The framework is high enough that so much of the space devoted only to the blue whale skeleton.

Insects Space insect is in the west of the room Reptiles and Amphibians. The space is divided into spaces smaller. There various insects displayed in glass cabinets. Not to forget the variety of beautiful butterflies are also there.

Space Fish and Mollusk The last room in the most northern part is a space fish and molluscs. There is a giant closet that displays various types of fish in Indonesia, which has been preserved.